सदानंद म. रायकर : कोंकणी ही मराठीची बोली असल्याचे जे विधान कौतिकरावानी केले, त्याला ...READ
Rodney Pereira: Sandesh has presented the facts well. I have great memories ...READ
Satish: I like ur pageREAD
Utpal Khot: The analysis is great except the fact that you seem ...READ
Prasanna Utagi: Good analysis. well presented facts and interesting arrangement of statistics ...READ
URBANO FERNANDES: The Portugal left GOA on 19th DECEMBER 1961, I WAS ...READ
Walter: Very informative and factual.....Gives a lie to the statements of ...READ
Gary Azavedo: What about the Babus, Babushes, etc.? Incidentally, these three former ...READ
ekomeme: [url=]Imudio[/url] Aqosexah
Jack De Goan: AAP has given Financial Support for the people of Delhi. ...READ
Jack De Goan: Oxygen and Vaccine, Where are you? I am coming from ...READ
Jack De Goan: Oxygen and Vaccine, Where are you? I am coming from ...READ
Nitin Neogi: Heart touchingREAD
Sitaram Naik: सरांच्या सभावाचे दर्शन लेखात घडलें. असो मनीस राजकारणांत दुर्मिळ....READ
Judas Mascarenhas: Beautifully pennedREAD