Mind Control & Cult
Thought reform or Mind Control is an invisible social adaptation brought about by a well co-ordinated program of coercive persuasion wherein the locus of control of one’s body and mind is transferred from within the adult individual to an external authority.The question now is how this is achievable.
“In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act” – George Orwell
At the very outset I must say that I do not belong to any fixed ideology or any political organization. Herein I present the current position of neuroscience, psychiatry and the resultant psychology of the individual and the collective. The reason I write is simply because I am concerned with the quality of freedom we live in today – the quality of civilization. Most social psychologists and cognitive scientists have maintained that civilization is not different from the state of individual consciousness. This implies two things –
- If individual consciousness can be controlled, civilization can be controlled.
- Finding out the truth despite all the mechanisms of control is the responsibility of the individual. For this the individual must deeply realize that no organization can guide them. If they take guidance, they accept control.
When I interact with adolescents sometimes I ask them the name of the nation we live in, in Hindi. They say Bharat. Then I ask them why this name was chosen. Typically they do not know. Even college grads are not aware. Our founding fathers knew that a diverse nation like India can survive happily only if its citizens are enlightened. BHA means light RAT means devotion. Devotion to finding out the truth is of paramount importance.
“As long as the general population is passive, apathetic, diverted to consumerism or hatred of the vulnerable, the powerful can do as they please, and those who survive will be left to contemplate the outcome” – Noam Chomsky
To understand mind control, we must first delve into the structure and function of our mind. Then we can go into the changing fundamentals of neuroscience to understand the pliability of our minds.
Only 5 per cent of brain activities are conscious. 95 per cent are unconscious.
Activities associated with conscious mind are critical thinking, logical thinking, short term memory and willpower. The conscious mind tries to use willpower to control behavior, habits, beliefs, emotions and thought – but loses out to the subconscious mind’s far, far greater influence. In fact, as reported by Scientific American on 20th Dec 2018 Peter Carruthers, a cognitive scientist at the University of Maryland, in his paper “The illusion of Conscious Thought” says that there is no such thing as conscious thought. Conscious thought, judgment and volition are illusions. They arise from processes in the unconscious mind of which we are forever unaware. This implies that our unconscious fully governs us. If the unconscious can be controlled, we can be controlled.
The subconscious or the unconscious mind, thus, completely governs our beliefs, emotions, creativity, developmental stages, imagination, habits and addictions, intuition, long term memory, values… the entire personality. The data collected over years in this unconscious mind is millions of times more than that in the conscious.
“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will control your life and you will call it fate” – Carl Jung.
So “mind control” is in fact the control of one’s subconscious mind without the conscious mind being aware that such a control is operating.
Our next step would be to understand the changing fundamentals of neuroscience. Earlier it was believed that our brains develop structurally and functionally up to 5 years of age. Thereafter the structure and function of the brain could not undergo development. All this changed in 1998 when Errikson et al Nature Medicine volume 4, pages1313–1317 found neurogenesis in adult human hippocampus. They used immunofluorescent labeling of nerve proteins to prove that hippocampus retains its ability to regenerate neurons throughout the life. Further studies proved that human brain could change its structure and function based on environmental stimuli as well as its own thought. Neuroplasticity allows the neurons (nerve cells) in the brain to compensate for injury and disease and to adjust their activities in response to thoughts, new situations or to changes in their environment. Brain, thus, develops depending on how we use it.
So if our inner environment (thought) and our outer environment (milieu) is controlled, our mind can be controlled through appropriate changes in the structure and function of our unconscious mind.
This is what neuroscience calls Psychotechnology of Thought Reform. Thought Reform is the scientific term for mind control or brain washing.
Now let us go to the two basic brain types in humans as per state of the art neuroscience. In his 1993 work The Protean Self, world authority on Psychology of Totalism Dr Robert Jay Lifton identified two types of human brains. These determine two basic types of personalities that people may have ---The Protean Self and The Fundamentalist Self (Cult Self). The Protean self is progressive, can adapt well to psychohistorical, radical changes in our environment brought in by science and technology and has important elements of humor in it.
The Cult Self is a maladaptive reaction to the profound psychohistorical changes around us and rooted in fear of loss of fundamentals or fear of loss of our perceived moorings. It has elements of violence and reaction in it.
In fact our history and wars largely reflect the conflict between the Proteans and the Fundamentalists.
Thus, the psychotechnology of thought reform refers to techniques that change the STRUCTURE and FUNCTION of the brain by providing a controlled inner environment (thought) and outer environment (milieu), converting a Protean/Constructive/Healthy Self into a Cult Self/Destructive/Unhealthy Self.
Mind control is any system of undue influence that disrupts an individual’s authentic identity (Protean self) and replaces it with a false, new one (Cult Self).
Thought reform or Mind Control is an invisible social adaptation brought about by a well co-ordinated program of coercive persuasion wherein the locus of control of one’s body and mind is transferred from within the adult individual to an external authority.
The question now is how this is achievable.
Mind control has four components and the scientific basis of Mind control resides in Leon Festinger’s theory of Cognitive Dissonance.
The Four components of Mind Control are:
- Control of Behavior by regulating the physical activity of the Cult followers
- Control of Information through well coordinated deception carried out by editorial teams through cult newspapers and cult books as well as lectures and group discussions.
- Control of Thought through indoctrination and thought stopping meditation like repeating a God’s name over and over again.
- Control of Emotions through instillation of guilt, fear, loyalty, devotion and controlled interpersonal relations.
This is called the BITE Model of Thought Reform.
Lastly, let us see how this BITE Model actually works in a controlled individual.
Leon Festinger’s Theory of Cognitive Dissonance says that human brain is so wired that it can tolerate only a very minimal dissonance or conflict between an individual’s behavior, thought and emotion (feelings). This implies that if behavior is forcibly controlled, thoughts and feelings will go with it. Similarly if thought is controlled, behavior and feelings will go with it. And if feelings are controlled, behavior and thought will go with it.
Mind Control thus controls the entire persona of its victim. The institutions that practice such mind control are called CULTS.
Stay tuned for more about the Cults, how to protect yourself from them and how to walk out of them -- to freedom -- in subsequent articles.