Friday 13 September 2024

News Analysed, Opinions Expressed

Society | Diaspora

Brexit: Indian workers apprehensive of jobs


Brexit may have bought happiness to more than half of the population; however, the Indian diaspora is left clueless about their status in the country.

Some argue that Brexit opens up the possibility of enhancing skilled migration to the country, while some argue that the competition would be tough, leading to fewer making it to the working class here.

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What an idiotic comment to be made; why on earth should the referendum be held in the whole of the EU. This is a country specific referendum affecting the UK and the citizens of the UK should decide what they want. For far too long have some countries carried such economically failed states as Greece, Spain, Portugal Italy, etc. That is not the function of the British pouring 200 million pounds every week into the EU to prop up such pathetically managed countries as detailed above.

Britain will function very well without immigrants, thank you.

After all they ruled a substantial portion of the world without help from immigrants. So much for a weak and lonely people!!

Nelson Dias , Toronto, Canada

You have nothing to worry about, if you are working in the UK you emigrated from outside the EU. I have been in business for in excess of 25 years and the UK needs immigrants, the UK will not be able to employ the best person irrespective of whether they are EU based or not. If there is work and you are the best candidate you will get the job. you might need to make provision for your own health care but nobody knows at the present time.

james , england

The referendum should have been within the EU, not just UK. British people are conservative by nature.

Vey soon they will feel lonely and weak.

They know very well that they cannot survive without migrant workers, Portuguese Goans can now shift to other EU nations or come back to Goa for good.

Should the whole process organized properly, Dave will not loose his powerful position.

John W DSouza , Margoa Goa