Friday 20 September 2024

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Deshprabhu required intubation to stabilise oxygen level, not a CT Scan: GARD releases Fact Sheet


Startling new facts of former MLA Jitendra Deshprabhu’s controversial death have come to light with Goa Association of Resident Doctors (GARD) releasing a fact sheet of events that took place in the GMC hospital.

While standing strongly behind the senior resident of Radiology department, GARD has also demanded immediate revocation of her suspension, pending inquiry.

GARD has released the fact sheet stating that the hardworking frontline resident doctors are being wrongly portrayed in general public.

The government has wound up the inquiry committee set up by GMC after exposed yesterday how it is a mere farce. (CLICK HERE TO WATCH IT)

It has now and has set up a high level committee headed by the health secretary to probe into the cause of Deshprabhu’s death as well as functioning at GMC hospital. (CLICK HERE TO READ IT)

However, the senior resident of Radiology department continues to remain suspended.


While releasing chronology of events that took place on 21st April when Deshprabhu was brought to the GMC hospital, these are some interesting new facts that have come to light, as claimed by the authorised association of Resident Doctors.

  1. Deshprabhu was first taken to the isolation ward, where all the life-saving equipment was kept ready to treat him. But his close relatives refused the admission in isolation ward, due to which he was then taken to the Casualty.
  2. Deshprabhu’s condition worsened on the way to Casualty with dropping oxygen saturation.
  3. What was required at this moment was urgent resuscitation and intubation, and NOT A CT SCAN.
  4. Deshprabhu was referred to GMC with an X-ray report, which has already shown that he was suffering with bilateral pneumonia.


  1. Scans are conducted by technicians and are reported by junior residents. The resident doctors were not informed about the case in advance, but they promptly conducted the scan. The (suspended) Senior Resident also reached there in 10 minutes, and not 35 minutes (as claimed by Government of Goa, Under Secretary in a show cause notice issued to HoD of Radiology Dept).
  2. After the scan, Deshprabhu was shifted back to isolation ward and was promptly intubated and put on a ventilator by a resident doctor of Anaesthesia.

But Deshprabhu breathed his last in the isolation ward.


Following is the detailed press note issued by GARD:

We firmly stand in solidarity with our colleague and ask for “revocation of suspension”until the enquiry is complete. We request for an impartial, timely and transparent enquiry be conducted in the sequence of events on 21st April right from patient’s arrival to GMC and not just delay in the CT scan, as is being repeatedly alleged.

In the current scenario, whereoneof our fellow colleagues has fallen prey to a controversy surrounding the death of late Shri Jitendra Deshprabhu on 21st April 2020, it is imperative on part of Goa Association of Resident Doctors (GARD) to bring to light the actualsequenceof events on the said day. Following are the few summarized clarifications in relation to this event-

  1. Patient was referred to GMC with history of cough, fever and breathlessness (Severeacuterespiratory illness) from aprivate hospital. Patient was taken to isolation ward no.113 according to our institutional standard operating procedure (SOP) during the current pandemic. Admission to ward was considered so that the patient could be started on urgent lifesaving treatment, arrangements for which were in place. However, surprisingly at this time, the patient’s accompanying relative refused admission in the said ward, raising serious medical concerns. The patient was then shifted to GMC casualty, the reasons for which are under inquiry.
  2. The patient’s condition worsened on the way to casualty with dropping oxygen saturation. The need at this moment was urgent resuscitation and intubation for stabilization and not CT scan. Also, the previous chest X-ray with which patient was referred already showed bilateral pneumonia.
  3. The resident doctors in GMC work at a stretch for 33 hours or sometimes even 48 hours or more and it is only logical that they go in turns for meals. The scans are run by technicians and reported by residents. The junior resident doctors of Radiology were available throughout this time in their duty room and were not informed about the case personally or telephonically. Also the said senior resident doctor reached the scan room within 10 minutes of intimation and not 35 minutes, as is being alleged.
  4. The patient was promptly intubated and connected to ventilator by a resident doctor of Anaesthesia in isolation ward no.113, after shifting the patient back from casualty.

These facts highlight that the hardworking frontline resident doctors are being wrongly portrayed in general public. It is our responsibility to keep everyone informed of the events so that the trust in medical fraternity can be restored.

We firmly stand in solidarity with our colleague and ask for “revocation of suspension”until the enquiry is complete. We request for an impartial, timely and transparent enquiry be conducted in the sequence of events on 21st April right from patient’s arrival to GMC and not just delay in the CT scan, as is being repeatedly alleged.

On Behalf of GARD.

References CLICK TO READ PDF COPY OF GARD PRESS NOTE is now on Telegram & also Youtube. Kindly subscribe for free & remain updated.

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I am ex_ President of GARD,association of resident doctors in the GMC. I know this organisation right from 1973 closely.Trust me when I say trust GARD, the way you would trust GOD.These young dedicated honest hard working available 24*7 group of medicos wedded to the profession and standing by the Hippocratic oath in body and spirit are the backbone of health care in Goa.Unfortunately the spirit of members of the same group on leaving GARD after getting senior after 6 years and thrown in society may not remain the same as senior doctors who now know which side of the bread is butter and may tend to mutate away from the GARD spirit of truth and devotion to patients.

Dr Jog , Daman




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