Friday 20 September 2024

News Analysed, Opinions Expressed

Society | People

All religions are anti-women: Taslima


Taslima Nasreen does not think India is an intolerant country.

“I think most people are quite tolerant of each other’s faith. The laws in India do not support intolerance. But there are so many intolerant people in this country,” she said. CLICK TO READ MORE is now on Telegram & also Youtube. Kindly subscribe for free & remain updated.

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It is my strong belief that the women who mothered humanity is the inventer of God. Men turned this belief into religion as he saw source of power, wealth and instrument of subjugation. In this both men and women unknowingly were trapped never never to come out.

Madhav Bastodker , Ponda

Yes madamji I do agree with thy statement that all faiths on planet give liberty to certain extent only on the contrary they suppress women in all sectors of life

Birajdar Vijay s , Kamothe navi mumbai

Can men perform vaata purnima.Can men offer voti to Godess.Can men perform Haldi kunkun.Does this mean Hindu religion is anti men.Devoted women have no problem.Its the pseudo devoted activists who are making an issue out of nothing.

Parag Hede , Panaji,Goa.

तसलीमा म्हजी आवडटी लॆखिका.पारदर्शक आनी स्पस्ट.मात्तूय भिजूड न्हय.खरॆं बरयता.

sanjiv verenkar , mangeshi