Friday 19 April 2024

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Economy | Defense

Blacklisted companies will be allowed at DefExpo


Unlike last time, there is no bar on blacklisted companies from taking part in the Defence Expo being held in Goa next week, the largest ever hosted by India that will see participation of over 1000 companies.

"Is there any bar on participation of blacklisted companies? This is a commercial exhibition. CLICK TO READ MORE is now on Telegram & also Youtube. Kindly subscribe for free & remain updated.

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The companies which were blacklisted are world class producers of defence equipments. One among them Bofors was blacklisted not for their fault but because India had a PM and his wife were of criminal nature who accepted bribes by inflating prices. Now that the criminals are eliminated India can and should do business with them. No sin as sinners are consigned to scrapyard.

Madhav Bastodker , Ponda